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Dr. Joe L. Juarez Jr. DC

  • UCLA Graduate

  • Los Angeles College of Chiropractic Graduate

Doctor of chiropractic performing Graston therapy.
Chiropractor showing x-ray films

Dr. Joe L. Juarez Jr. DC was born and raised in Southern California.   Following high school he attended UCLA where he received his undergraduate education.  He later attended Los Angeles College of Chiropractic where he graduated in 2002 with various honors including Delta Sigma Honorary Society, Dean's List, and Magna Cum Laude.  In 2002 he teamed up with his sister, Dr. Irma Juarez DC, who had been practicing chiropractic in her Hesperia clinic since 1996.  Together they grew their High Desert practice to what it is today.  Dr. Juarez took over the Hesperia clinic which is conveniently located on Bear Valley Rd. in 2020.  Today, the Hesperia clinic, now known as Juarez Chiropractic, continues to be one of the most well respected and trusted chiropractic clinics in the High Desert.  For the past twenty years Dr. Juarez has provided high quality chiropractic care to the High Desert communities of Hesperia, Victorville, Apple Valley, Spring Valley Lake, Oak Hills, Adelanto, and surrounding areas.  Dr. Juarez and his staff are bilingual speaking both English and Spanish fluently.  He uses various chiropractic techniques including Diversified and Thompson Drops.  He also uses a gentle "non-popping" method for patients who are a little tentative about receiving a more traditional type adjustment.  He is also trained in Graston Technique, an effective form of soft tissue mobilization.  Aware that no two patients are alike, Dr. Juarez tailors his treatment to his patient's individual needs.  Further, Dr. Juarez takes a multidisciplinary approach to health care referring to orthopedists, neurologists, and MDs to ensure his patients receive the care they need whether they have suffered injuries from being involved in an auto accident or simply performing their normal daily activities.  For the past two decades Dr. Juarez has continued to be excited about educating patients in the High Desert on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and chiropractic care.  He believes these are the keys to living a happy and healthy life.

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